PUBLISHED May 16, 2022

by Sherayne Rego

3 min read time

The Misconceptions About Ergonomic Assessments

The term ‘Ergonomic Assessment’ is gaining a lot of popularity in the world of ergonomics right now. However, this popularity also brings its fair share of misconceptions and myths with it. In this article, we will outline some of the most common misconceptions people and organisations have about ergonomics assessments. Whether you’re looking to add another service or you want to provide your employees with the best ergonomic help, here’s what you will need to know.


What are Ergonomic Assessments?

An Ergonomic Assessment, also known as a Workplace Risk Assessment, is an assessment of a worker and their work environments to ensure proper posture and lesser physical risks and injuries. The goal of these assessments is to identify the risks and suggest or make necessary improvements for employee safety. 


What are the misconceptions surrounding Ergonomic Assessments?

Misconception 1: Anyone can conduct an ergonomic assessment

Like any other profession, a career in Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy takes a significant investment of time and resources. It is complex and requires training and experience, and definitely cannot be done by downloading an ergonomics checklist off the internet. An ergonomic assessment involves collecting data, knowledge about working environments, observation of employees, risk analysis and strategies to avoid these risks. A competent ergonomic assessor will be able to improve the ergonomics of employees by improving their posture and providing suggestions in office furniture such as standing desksergonomic office chairsfootrestsseparate ergonomic keyboards and mice

Codex is partnered with ergonomics specialists, Spectrum Optimise. Through this partnership, our customers can access an excellent end-to-end ergonomics experience. From services like ergonomic assessments and webinars to products like high-quality office furniture and equipment, we have teamed up with Spectrum Optimise to create a better experience for our customers. Check out the ergonomic services we offer here. 

Misconception 2: Recommending products to clients can be done with the help of the internet

The most important part of an ergonomic assessment is recommending ergonomic products or equipment. Therefore, it is essential to be recommending the correct type of equipment. But the most burning question remains: Can’t I search the internet and suggest a few best selling products? The answer to this is no. 

To recommend the best equipment for clients, an assessor will first have to review the different types of equipment in the market. They will then have to conduct a detailed assessment of the client, their working hours, their line of work, activity levels and body types to ensure they are using the right products. In today’s age, most products look similar but aren’t. A competent assessor will have to pick pieces that will address the root cause of the client’s ergonomic problems. The process of equipment selection doesn’t end here. The occupational therapist will also instruct their client on how to use the equipment correctly. If the assessor or therapist feels that the client’s current workstation needs to be changed entirely, they may also visit the workplace to ensure the equipment suits their body and role. 


How can we help?

If you need to source the right ergonomic equipment for your employees, Codex can help. In addition to the ergonomic assessments, we also all types of ergonomic furniture to help keep your employees safe and productive.

You can get in touch with us here