PUBLISHED Jun 6, 2023

by Rachel Jackson

4 min read time

Codex Launches Environment Week at Dublin HQ

codex-launch-environment-week-at-dublin-hq codex-launch-environment-week-at-dublin-hq

Here at Codex, we believe in the power of collective action to positively impact the environment. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we are proud to celebrate Environment Week at Codex, a newly launched annual event highlighting our ongoing initiatives and inspiring our employees and the wider community to take actions that contribute to a greener future.

Yesterday marked World Environment Day and reminded us of our collective responsibility to protect and preserve the planet we call home. It also marked the start of Codex Environment Week! Check out some exciting initiatives we have planned for Environment Week and how they align with our broader sustainability goals.


Codex Environment Week Launch


Codex Environment Week 2023 Activities


1. Office Scavenger Hunt

We have highlighted 20 ways that energy could be wasted or the environment negatively impacted around the office and warehouses for employees to find and guess the environmental faux pas. Employees use a Qualtrics questionnaire to record their findings.


2. Team Battery Drive in aid of LauraLynn

We are collecting batteries for WEEE in support of LauraLynn! A donation is sent to the LauraLynn Charity for every old battery collected.


3. Planet Mark Energiser Session

Ran by Planet Mark, this is an educational opportunity for employees to learn more about sustainability and carbon footprinting and brainstorm ideas on reducing our footprint.


4. Kahoot Quiz

A self-driven quiz with 20 “What bin does it go in?” questions! Time to put our employee’s recycling knowledge to the test!


5. Children’s Poster Competition

A competition for all #ClubCodex kids under fifteen to design posters to illustrate what goes in what bin.


6. Reduce Food Waste

This is a chance to share tips to reduce food wastage while passing on some tasty leftover recipes.


Our Environmental Initiatives


  • Energy Efficiency: We understand the significant impact of energy consumption on the environment. Hence, we are exploring various energy-efficient measures in our facilities to reduce our carbon footprint. These include upgrading to energy-saving LED lighting, and optimising heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Reducing our energy consumption minimises our environmental impact and contributes to cost savings and a more sustainable bottom line.
  • Waste Reduction and Recycling: We believe in adopting a circular economy approach to waste management. We have implemented comprehensive recycling programs throughout our premises to minimise waste generation. We actively encourage our employees to separate and recycle materials such as recyclable packaging, food waste, glass, electronics, and batteries. Additionally, we strive to minimise single-use plastics by providing reusable alternatives and promoting sustainable packaging solutions. Through these efforts, we aim to conserve resources, reduce landfill waste, and encourage responsible consumption.
  • Sustainable Supply Chain: We recognise the importance of collaborating with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability. We prioritise partnering with environmentally conscious vendors who uphold ethical practices and are committed to reducing their environmental impact. By selecting suppliers with sustainable practices, we strive to create a positive ripple effect throughout the supply chain, ensuring that sustainability is embedded in every aspect of our business operations.
  • Employee Engagement and Education: We believe sustainability is a collective responsibility. Therefore, we actively engage our employees in environmental initiatives. We organise workshops, training sessions, and awareness campaigns to educate our staff about sustainable practices at work and in their personal lives. We aim to create a strong network of sustainability champions who drive change beyond the workplace by fostering a culture of environmental awareness and empowering our employees with knowledge.


Codex Launches Its First Ever Environment Week


Why We Celebrate Environment Week


Inspiration and Education: Environmental Week is a dedicated period to inspire and educate our employees, customers, and the broader community about the importance of environmental sustainability. By spotlighting these critical issues, we aim to raise awareness, spark conversations, and encourage people to take meaningful action towards a greener future. It provides a platform to showcase our environmental initiatives and inspire others to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives.

Collaboration and Partnerships: Environment Week offers an opportunity for collaboration and partnerships with like-minded organisations and environmental stakeholders. By coming together, we can share knowledge, exchange ideas, and leverage collective resources to amplify our impact. Collaborative efforts can lead to innovative solutions, more robust advocacy for policy changes, and the creation of a supportive network of organisations working towards a common goal.

Celebrating Progress: Environment Week allows us to reflect on the progress we have made in our sustainability journey. It is a time to mark milestones, acknowledge achievements, and recognise the efforts of our employees who have contributed to our environmental initiatives. By highlighting our successes, we aim to inspire continued dedication and motivate further action to pursue a more sustainable future.




Our commitment to environmental sustainability is ingrained in everything we do. By implementing energy-efficient measures, practising waste reduction and recycling, nurturing a sustainable supply chain, and engaging our employees, we strive to lead by example and create a positive impact on the environment.

Marking Environment Week at Codex provides a dedicated platform to showcase our initiatives, educate, collaborate, and inspire action. Together, we can foster a culture of sustainability and work towards a greener, more sustainable world for generations to come.

Learn more about our CSR initiatives at Codex.



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