PUBLISHED Feb 23, 2024

by Rachel Smith

5 min read time

How to Reduce Stress and Fatigue at Work

reduce-stress-and-fatigue-at-work reduce-stress-and-fatigue-at-work

Workplace fatigue and stress can become significant challenges that impact productivity and employee well-being. Long hours, tight deadlines, and the constant pressure to perform at a high level can take a toll on physical and mental well-being. Recognising the importance of addressing these issues, we will explore the causes of workplace fatigue and effective strategies to reduce stress and fatigue at work to help you foster a healthier work-life balance.


Causes of Workplace Fatigue


Before diving into solutions, it's crucial to understand the root causes of workplace fatigue. Common contributors include excessive workload, insufficient rest or sleep, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and high-stress levels. Constant pressure, tight deadlines, and a lack of work-life balance also contribute to stress and fatigue.

Identifying and addressing these factors is the first step toward creating a more energised and focused work environment.


Tips for Reducing Stress and Fatigue at Work


1. Prioritise Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is foundational for overall well-being. Lack of proper sleep not only impairs cognitive function but also increases stress levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Create a conducive sleep environment by keeping the room dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule can help regulate your body's internal clock, promoting better sleep quality.


2. Effective Time Management

Effective time management techniques like setting priorities and allocating appropriate times for each task will help you avoid the overwhelming feeling of having too much to do in too little time. Tools like or the free Google Calendar are great for efficiently planning your workday while promoting a sense of control over your schedule.


3. Implement Stress-Reduction Techniques

Chronic stress is a significant contributor to fatigue, and managing stress on an emotional level is essential to preventing mental exhaustion. Incorporating stress-reduction techniques, such as listening to music or short, active breaks during your workday, can make a substantial difference. Consider practices such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. These techniques can help regulate the body's stress response, improving mental clarity and energy levels.

Simple stretches, time in the rest area in the office, or a short walk are all revitalising ways to spend your lunch break to refresh the mind and reduce accumulated fatigue.


Workplace Wellness and Time Management Techniques


4. Create an Ergonomic Environment

Using ergonomic office furniture is crucial for promoting health, comfort, and productivity. Ergonomic furniture supports proper body posture, reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders, and alleviates discomfort associated with prolonged sitting.

Using an adjustable ergonomic chair, an ergonomic desk such as a sit stand desk (we’ve discussed at length the benefits of using sit stand desks), and supportive office accessories will reduce your physical fatigue, preventing issues like back pain and repetitive strain injuries and enhancing overall job satisfaction, morale, and focus.


5. Indulge in Healthy Nutrition

Nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining energy levels throughout the day. Make mindful food choices, focusing on a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Avoid excessive caffeine and sugar intake to prevent energy crashes and promote sustained focus. Instead, choose healthy snacks that boost sustained energy, helping maintain focus and productivity during the day. Regular intake of energy-boosting foods can also enhance mood and concentration levels, as certain foods have been linked to improved cognitive function and emotional well-being.


6. Foster a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Balancing work and personal life is essential for promoting sustained energy levels, enhancing job satisfaction, and maintaining overall well-being.

Establish healthy boundaries between work and personal life to prevent burnout. Disconnect, step away from the office desk, and engage in activities you enjoy outside work, such as regular exercise, to help strike a better work life balance. Regular exercise has numerous benefits for combating fatigue. Physical activity increases energy levels, improves mood, and enhances overall cognitive function. Hence, you should incorporate movement into your daily routine through short walks, stretching exercises, or more structured workouts.


Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Reduction


7. Create a Positive and Supportive Work Environment

Organisational culture influences the perception of lower stress and fatigue, and creating a positive and supportive work environment counteracts these impacts, significantly improving employee well-being.

Foster open communication with your colleagues. Open communication can help identify challenges before they become chronic stress and fatigue sources. Another way to create a positive and supportive work environment is by recognising and celebrating achievements amongst each other to boost morale.



Reducing workplace fatigue not only improves quality of life but also enhances productivity and morale. Addressing workplace fatigue requires a holistic approach that considers various factors influencing physical and mental well-being. Actions such as prioritising sleep quality, implementing stress-reduction techniques, using ergonomic office furniture, engaging in physical activity, and indulging in healthy nutrition will all help to reduce fatigue and contribute to a more resilient, engaged, and motivated self.




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