PUBLISHED May 26, 2023

by Rachel Smith

4 min read time

6 Desk Organisation Ideas to Make You Instantly More Productive

desk-organisation-ideas-for-productivity desk-organisation-ideas-for-productivity

Can't focus at work? In today’s fast-paced world, embracing productivity at work unlocks potential and creates a substantial foundation for achieving goals. However, a cluttered and disorganised desk can hinder your ability to focus and get things done efficiently. Similarly, those with an unorganised desk spend countless minutes looking for something, often finding what they need sitting right in front of them, lost amongst a pile of papers.

A recent UK survey found that the average worker spends 1.5 days per year looking for missing paperwork. The same study also found that the average desk is scattered with “just stuff” weighing a stone in total! This indicates that many of us can do better regarding desk organisation.

By implementing effective desk organisation, you can create an environment that promotes productivity and helps you stay on top of your tasks. So, how do you improve productivity in the workplace? In this blog post, we will explore some practical desk organisation ideas and tips to make you instantly more productive.


How to Organise Your Desk: Easy Desk Organisation Ideas


1. Declutter and Purge


The first step towards an organised desk is decluttering. Start by removing any unnecessary items, such as old papers, broken stationery, or outdated gadgets. Keep only the essentials within arm's reach, like your computer, notebook, and a few frequently used office supplies. Decluttering will instantly create a sense of calm and enable you to focus better on your work.


2. Establish a Filing System


An efficient filing system is vital for keeping important documents organised and easily accessible. Invest in a file organiser or filing cabinet to store your paperwork. Categorise your files based on projects, clients, or subjects, and label them appropriately. This way, you can quickly find the information you need without wasting time searching through stacks of papers.


3. Utilise Desk Organisers


Desk organisers are your best friends in maintaining a clutter-free workspace. Use them to store pens, pencils, paper clips, sticky notes, and other small items. Consider using desk tidies or drawer dividers to keep everything in its designated place. Having a specific spot for each item will eliminate the frustration of rummaging through the clutter to find what you need.


How to Organise Your Desk Easy Desk Organisation Ideas


4. Implement Cable Management Solutions


Tangled cables can make your desk look messy and pose a hazard. Invest in cable management solutions to keep your cords organised and out of sight. Use cable clips, zip ties, or cable sleeves to bundle and route the cables neatly. This will create a clean and visually appealing workspace and make it easier to clean your desk regularly.


5. Create a Daily To-Do System


Yes, desk organisation ideas can go beyond the desk too! We are prone to using sticky notes to jot down reminders or essential information, but too many sticky notes around your desk are not only an eye sore but can be distracting too. Yet, any organised individual will know the importance of having a checklist, so finding a designated space to note important information is necessary.

Having a visual representation of your tasks and priorities can significantly boost your productivity levels at work while helping to maintain an organised desk area. Set up a daily to-do list system on the wall next to your desk. You can use a whiteboard, a pin board, or a planner to jot down your tasks for the day. Break larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks and prioritise them accordingly. Not only will this help improve your productivity levels at work, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment and help you to stay motivated throughout the day.


6. Optimise Ergonomics


An organised desk goes further than decluttering too. It should also prioritise your physical well-being. Ensure your desk setup promotes good ergonomics, preventing discomfort and improving overall productivity.

Invest in an adjustable ergonomic chair and position your computer monitor at eye level. Use a keyboard and mouse that are comfortable for your hands. Taking care of your physical health will allow you to focus better and work efficiently.




A well-organised desk is the foundation for a productive work environment. By following these desk organisation ideas, you can create a space that inspires creativity, minimises distractions, and maximises efficiency. Remember, organisation is an ongoing process, so make it a habit to declutter and maintain your workspace regularly. Embrace these tips and watch your productivity soar to new heights.


Ensure optimum desk organisation with Codex's wide range of Desktop Essentials, Office Supplies and Stationery.

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