PUBLISHED Aug 1, 2022

by Paul Dolan

4 min read time

How To Make Your Office More Sustainable

office-sustainability office-sustainability

Did you know that according to the Environmental Protection Agency statistics, the people living in Ireland generated about 557,000 tonnes of hazardous waste in 2020?

Going green isn’t as challenging, inconvenient or costly as you think. As individuals, there is so much we can do to contribute to a more eco-friendly workplace. If you haven’t thought about how your lifestyle might affect the earth, now is the time. 

Here are four genius ways to make your office more sustainable and help you make a considerable difference over time.

1. Opt for environmentally friendly office products

The average office worker generates almost 1kg of waste every day. Therefore, we think there is no better time to switch to eco-friendly office supplies. To start a sustainable office environment, whether you work in the office or from home, start by making a list of all the office supplies you use and then look for eco-friendly alternatives. For example, you can use 100% recycled paper and notebooks for all of your printing and journaling, recycled sticky notes for quick note-taking, and other eco-friendly stationery supplies to achieve your office sustainability initiatives. At Codex, environmental sustainability is the crux of who we are as a business, permeating every level of our operation. With this in mind, we have introduced a range of sustainable office supplies with over 25,000 products. Take a look at our sustainable solutions here


2. Rely on natural light

Yes, relying on natural light saves a lot of energy, but did you know that according to research, natural light increases concentration and wellbeing and reduces stress among employees? Therefore, if you are a remote worker and work from home, it’s time to change the layout of your room. A simple way to increase natural light is to move your office desk to a place with big windows or natural light. Natural light stabilises the body’s circadian rhythms and aids digestion, all while saving energy. 

Some other tips to save energy with respect to light are :

  • Swapping out your light bulbs for LED lighting 
  • Reducing brightness on your monitor to save up to 20% of the monitor’s energy
  • Dusting your bulbs from time to time to increase illumination in the room

3. Reduce, reuse and recycle

Every single product we purchase impacts the earth as it leaves a footprint and could end up in a landfill. Therefore, one of the most effective ways of being eco-friendly is by reducing the waste we create by reusing materials and recycling products to be used again. Here are a few things you can do to live a more sustainable life:

  • Whether you’re working from the office or your home, try to buy less. Invest in more non-single-use office supplies such as mouse mats and filing cabinets that you don’t have to replace often. When purchasing new items, buy them from a sustainable source. 
  • Around 1/3rd of all the food produced globally is either lost or wasted. Therefore it is crucial to be mindful of the food waste you create. You can also compost the organic waste. In addition to food waste, office managers can avoid wasting office supplies in the form of single-use items by knowing exactly what to buy. At Codex, we believe in taking the guesswork out of your shopping experience and have compiled product guides to help you make an informed decision, no matter what you want to buy. 
  • Instead of using takeaway coffee cups, bring your own coffee cup. Similarly, you can always carry cutlery with you to avoid using plastic cutlery from restaurants. Keep a reusable bag with you to avoid using plastic bags. Every little change matters when it comes to making yourself and your company more environmentally friendly. 
  • Recycle what you can – Paper, electronics, cardboard boxes, shipping supplies, etc. If you are an employer, help your employees become eco-warriors by labelling which type of waste goes where. Check out our signage here


4. Talk to your employer about remote or hybrid work

Remote work is one of the most sustainable ways of working. When employees work from home, the vehicles’ transportation-related emissions are reduced. This, in turn, leads to cleaner air and a lesser impact on infrastructure. Working from home even two days a week has been known to reduce the use of paper and plastic in workplaces.  

New to hybrid working? Set up your workplace for remote and hybrid employees and help bring teams together with our detailed guide just for you.