PUBLISHED Jun 15, 2022

by Sherayne Rego

4 min read time

Working With a Laptop? Here are 4 Ways to Improve Your Posture

laptop-ergonomics laptop-ergonomics

Although laptops are a boon to the world for getting work done on the go, they aren’t great for our posture. Many ergonomic features are compromised for the sake of portability, and this results in users hunching over to work. If you find yourself hunching over a laptop, you’re not alone. This habit can be broken, and we’ll tell you how. However, the cord isn’t easily cut overnight, so you must practice these tips regularly. 


1. Leave slouching behind

Take a moment right now to evaluate your posture. Are you slouching? For most employees who have a desk job, slouching feels comfortable even though it is harmful. If you’re wondering what the correct posture while working on a laptop is, we’ve got it covered in 4 easy steps:

  • Open your chest and keep your shoulder blades pulled back
  • Align your ears with your shoulders
  • Uncross your legs and place them flat on the floor
  • Use an ergonomic chair with lumbar support to keep your back straight while working


2. Don’t place the laptop on your lap

Contrary to what the word ‘Laptop’ sounds like, your computer should not be placed on your lap. Placing your laptop on your lap only increases the risk of neck pain, back pain and eye strain. To improve your posture, it is essential to work from a desk and place the top of the laptop at eye level. If the height of your desk is not ideal for you, it may be worth investing in a laptop riser. Getting yourself a separate keyboard and mouse is a great idea to prevent wrist injury while typing. Additional factors to keep in mind are as follows:

  • Increase the font size to avoid squinting
  • Increase the brightness of your screen if you’re finding it hard to read the screen
  • Place your laptop about 4-6 inches from the table’s edge. 


3. Invest in the right equipment

Whether you’re a working professional looking to invest in a more ergonomic setup for your home office or a business looking to provide a comfortable working experience for your employees, here are some must-have office desking equipment while working. 

  • A desk: If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and would like to move more during the day, a standing desk is a great choice. A standing desk reduces aches and pains, gives you a chance to increase your metabolism and has a ton of health benefits! We have put together a handy FAQ on office desks, so take a look. 
  • A separate keyboard and mouse: Although laptops have improved our lives, they were not made to be used for an eight-hour workday, five days a week. As mentioned in #2, a separate keyboard and mouse is much better than your laptop’s built-in keyboard and trackpad. This way, you’re not looking down to type in a restricted way, and your wrists aren’t strained either. 
  • An office chair: A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work when choosing an office chair. The right office chair should offer the height and comfort that is right for you. An ergonomic chair such as the OA High Back Mesh Chair is an excellent option for a long work day. 


4. Exercise and Sleep Well

Did you know that a significant part of a good posture routine is exercising and getting a good night’s sleep? Our body is an eco-system, and getting in good exercise and deep sleep can positively impact our posture. 

Try these tips to achieve your daily movement goal:

  • Take periodic breaks to walk around your home office or office. You can step out for fresh air or grab a glass of water to drink
  • Sign up for a gym or yoga class
  • Do light stretches before starting your day and before going to bed. 
  • Invest in a sit-stand desk

To sleep well, try these hacks:

  • Have a calming routine to unwind before going to bed. This can include essential-oil diffusers, a book or simply no screen time 
  • Try cutting out caffeine from your diet at least 5 hours before bed 
  • If you find it hard to get the recommended amount of sleep, try going to bed an hour earlier


Stay compliant and help your employees work safely with our Ergonomic Solutions that are tailor-made for your business.