PUBLISHED Apr 5, 2024

by Rachel Smith

4 min read time

Deskercise Delights: 5 Fun Office Workouts You Can Do at Your Desk

5-fun-office-workouts-you-can-do-at-your-desk 5-fun-office-workouts-you-can-do-at-your-desk

Finding time to exercise can often feel like an impossible task in the hustle and bustle of the modern workplace. However, staying active throughout the day is crucial for both physical health and mental well-being. The good news is that you don't need to block off hours of your day or invest in expensive gym memberships to keep moving. With a little creativity and dedication, you can incorporate exercise right into your workday with deskercise – exercises you can do right at your desk!

One of the many revitalising ways to spend your lunch break, or indeed the mid-morning coffee break that we all need, these quick yet effective desk exercises can really improve your mood and overall productivity.

In this article, we'll explore five fun and easy deskercises to help you stay active and energised throughout your day.


5 Fun Office Workouts to Try at Your Desk


Desk Chair Squats:

Desk chair squats are a convenient way to incorporate squats into your workday routine. Here's how to do them:

  • Stand in front of your desk chair with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower your body down into a squat position as if you were about to sit in the chair.
  • Hover just above the chair momentarily, then push through your heels to return to standing.
  • Aim for 10-12 reps, focusing on proper form and controlled movement.

Desk chair squats target your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings, helping to strengthen and tone your lower body.


Desk Workouts Leg Exercises


Seated Leg Lifts:

Seated leg lifts are a simple yet effective way to engage your lower body muscles while sitting at your desk. Here's how to do them:

  • Sit up straight in your chair with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Lift one leg off the ground, keeping it straight, and hold for a few seconds.
  • Slowly lower your leg back down and repeat on the other side.
  • Aim for 10-15 reps on each leg.

Seated leg lifts are great for strengthening your quadriceps, hamstrings, and core muscles without ever leaving your chair.


Fun and Easy Desk Exercises


Desk Push-Ups:

Desk push-ups are a convenient way to work your upper body muscles without ever leaving your workspace. Here's how to do them:

  • Stand facing your desk with your hands shoulder-width apart, gripping the edge of the desk.
  • Step your feet back until your body forms a straight line from head to heels, resting on the balls of your feet.
  • Lower your chest towards the desk by bending your elbows, then push back up to the starting position.
  • Aim for 8-12 reps, focusing on maintaining proper form and engaging your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Desk push-ups are a great way to build upper body strength and stability, helping to improve posture and reduce the risk of shoulder and back pain.


Office Workouts for Workplace Wellness


Desk Chair Swivels:

Desk chair swivels are a fun and engaging way to work your core muscles while sitting at your desk. Here's how to do them:

  • Sit up straight in your chair with your feet hovering slightly above the ground.
  • Place your hands on the edge of your desk for stability.
  • Use your core muscles to swivel your chair from side to side, keeping your feet off the ground.
  • Aim for 10-12 swivels in each direction, focusing on controlled movement and engaging your abdominal muscles.

Desk chair swivels are a great way to improve core strength and stability, help prevent back pain, and improve overall posture.


Desk Stretches for Office Workout


Desk Stretches:

In addition to strength exercises, it's important to incorporate stretches into your deskercise routine to improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Here are a few desk stretches you can try:

  1. Neck Stretch: Gently tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear towards your shoulder, and hold for 15-30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
  2. Shoulder Stretch: Reach one arm across your body and use your other hand to gently press on your elbow, holding for 15-30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
  3. Seated Forward Fold: Sit up straight in your chair and hinge forward from your hips, reaching towards your toes. Hold for 15-30 seconds to stretch your hamstrings and lower back.

Incorporating desk stretches into your workday can help alleviate muscle stiffness and improve circulation, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.


Stretching Exercises to Do at Work



Deskercise is a simple and convenient way to stay active and energised throughout your workday without ever leaving your desk. By incorporating these five fun and easy workouts into your routine, you can improve strength, flexibility, and overall well-being, all while getting your work done. So go ahead, give deskercise a try, and experience the benefits for yourself!




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