PUBLISHED Jun 21, 2023

by Kate Nelligan

7 min read time

How to Design an Office Reception Area for the Best First Impression

office-reception-area-designs-for-the-best-first-impression office-reception-area-designs-for-the-best-first-impression

The office reception area is the gateway to your organisation, serving as the first point of contact for visitors, clients, and potential customers. And for those walking through the front door of your office, the first impression will stay with them throughout their visit.

A well-designed office reception area reflects your brand identity and values and creates a welcoming and professional atmosphere. It also sets the tone for the workday, as employees typically view it first thing in the morning. Therefore, making a positive and lasting first impression through your office reception area design is essential.


What is a Reception Area in an Office?


The reception area in an office is a specifically designated space near the entrance or lobby that serves as the primary point of contact for receiving and greeting visitors and guests. Its purpose is to create a warm and inviting environment, ensuring a positive initial interaction for all those who enter.


What Items are Found in an Office Reception?

While noting that the specific items may vary depending on the office's size, industry, and design preferences, usually, you’d need to consider elements such as reception desk, seating, artwork and signage/information display, lighting fixtures, and receptionist supplies.


When looking at how to design an office reception area, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is how often you have visitors and how long they are waiting in the reception area to see someone. This will help guide decisions such as how much seating is appropriate, what type of seating and whether something eye-catching for them to look at while they wait is required. For instance, if visitors wait in a reception area for a while, you should provide more comfortable chairs, some artwork or relevant magazines to keep them occupied, and perhaps even a coffee station. It is crucial to comprehend how the area will be used, and the flooring, furniture, and artwork must all work together to portray the right impression. This includes everything from office reception desks and chairs to colour and useful extras like welcome mats.

In this blog, we'll give you the elements, strategies, and considerations you need to design a reception area for the best first impression that sets the tone and ensures a memorable visitor experience.


Showcase Your Brand Through Elements and Décor


We all know how important branding is to an organisation, and your workplace is an extension of your brand. So, before embarking on any design decisions, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of your brand identity and values. Consider the tone and image you want to convey to visitors and incorporate subtle branding elements and décor that reinforce your brand message.

If your brand is modern and innovative, the office reception area should reflect those qualities through its design elements. Conversely, the design should align accordingly if your brand is more traditional and professional. Consistency between your brand and reception area design enhances credibility and helps visitors connect with your organisation.

Use materials, shapes, and finishes that align with your overall design theme. Display your logo prominently on or behind the desk to reinforce brand recognition. If the company emblem is not displayed, consider incorporating parts of the logo or matching colours into the area.

Use wall art, signage, or digital displays to highlight your company's achievements, values, or mission. Thoughtfully selected artwork or decorative pieces can also add personality to the space. However, be mindful not to overcrowd the area, as simplicity and cleanliness often convey professionalism and efficiency.


Reception Area Layout


A Carefully Planned Office Reception Area Design Layout


An efficient and well-organised layout is essential for an office reception area. Your reception area should look professional, pleasant, and attractive, whether hosting new or returning clients or potential workers.

To make customers feel welcome, there is a tendency towards greeting spaces with a residential vibe. Additionally, you want to create a welcoming atmosphere for workers entering the building.

Consider the flow of people and ensure there is ample space for visitors to move comfortably. The area should be tidy and uncluttered, with the furniture positioned to keep people apart yet close enough to foster a pleasant atmosphere. It should also be easily accessible to staff members and equipped with necessary tools for efficient operation, such as a computer, phone, and visitor logbook.

The reception desk should be the focal point, ideally positioned to provide a clear line of sight to the entrance but far enough away so that it does not create a barrier. Make sure your reception desk has enough space for storage, and attempt to keep the front area closed off so that deliveries and items may be hidden away.


Choose Modern Yet Comfortable Furnishings


The furniture and artwork should reflect the office's general design and colour scheme. Your furniture should be comfortable and functional for your reception area and suit the clientele, and businesses served. Choose chairs and sofas that align with your design style and provide adequate support to maintain an ergonomic workplace. You should also make sure to provide enough chairs for the number of visitors your business might have at any time.

Incorporate coffee tables and side tables for convenience and to provide space for magazines, brochures, or other reading materials. Consider incorporating branded elements such as pillows or throws that feature your logo or colours to reinforce brand recognition. In terms of artwork, these should be tasteful and only occasionally presented.

Your office reception area must be accessible and inclusive to all visitors. Install ramps or elevators for wheelchair access and provide clear signage for directional guidance. Consider the needs of individuals with disabilities and make necessary accommodations to ensure a positive experience for everyone.


Office Reception with Modern and Comfortable Furnishings Codex


The Light Effect


Lighting plays a vital role in setting the mood and atmosphere of the office reception area. Experts suggest that lighting has biological and physical effects that can impact people’s health and well-being. Granted, visitors to the office may not spend long enough in your reception area for this to affect them physically; however, lighting can affect people’s moods instantly.

Natural light is highly desirable as it creates a sense of openness and positivity. If possible, maximise the use of windows and skylights.

Additionally, incorporate artificial lighting that complements the space and enhances visibility. Consider combining ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a layered and inviting environment that is soft on the eyes yet bright enough for people to read and complete the forms without straining.


The Importance of Colour


Choose a colour scheme that reflects your brand while considering the psychological impact of colours. Warm and neutral tones like beige and light grey promote a sense of calmness and professionalism, while bold accent colours can add energy and visual interest.

Additionally, select materials that are durable, easy to maintain, and aligned with your brand aesthetic. For instance, a tech company might incorporate sleek and contemporary materials like glass and metal, while a wellness centre might opt for natural textures like wood and stone.


The Importance of Colour in an Office Reception Design


Enhance Visitor Experience Through Technology Integration


In today's digital age, integrating office technology into the reception area can enhance efficiency and visitor experience. Consider installing a visitor management system for easy check-in and security procedures.

Digital signage can provide real-time updates, share announcements, or display brand content.


Bring The Outside in With Greenery and Natural Elements


The latest office design trend of integrating plants and natural elements into the reception area brings life, freshness, and a sense of well-being. Similarly, greenery improves air quality, adds aesthetic value, and creates a calming environment.

Biophilic design elements can help ease people into the working day after a lengthy commute, whether coming to their workplace or attending a meeting.

Consider incorporating potted plants, vertical gardens, or even a small indoor water feature if the space permits. Adding biophilic elements to the office reception area design will help create a restorative breathing space before getting on with their day.

Designing an office reception area that leaves a lasting impression involves carefully considering various elements, from creating a layout to lighting and materials. Creating a space that aligns with your brand identity, promotes comfort and efficiency, and reflects your organisation’s values can establish a positive first impression for visitors.

Now you know exactly how to design a reception area, remember, a well-designed office reception area sets the tone for visitors’ overall experience with your organisation, leaving a lasting impact that can foster strong relationships and future opportunities.


Modern Office with Greenery




Our team of office design experts would love to help you create a welcoming office reception area that is practical yet inviting to all types of visitors. From initial concept to installation, we offer a complete office fit-out service that includes space design and furniture allocation to office supplies. Open an account today or contact us at if you require further information!



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