PUBLISHED Sep 30, 2022

by Sherayne Rego

3 min read time

What are Ergonomic Work Zones?

ergonomic-work-zones ergonomic-work-zones

An ergonomic workspace is much more than just having a height adjustable office desk and the best office chair. It is also setting up your work desk, equipment and desktop essentials in a way that makes working comfortable and productive. The lion’s share of maintaining the perfect posture depends on how your work desk is organised. 

This article introduces you to the work zone model that can help you work productively and prevent aches and pains. From what an ergonomic zone means to the various types, here is all you need to know. 

What are ergonomic work zones?

Ergonomic work zones, also known as a ‘3-zone’, are zones of convenient reach. It is a practice that involves splitting one’s desk space into three areas to maximise productivity and comfort. By splitting your space into three, you are not only providing a suitable space for everything on your desk but also maintaining a proper range of motion for your arms while working.   


What are the three ergonomic work zones?

Source: Posturite

1. Primary Work Zone

The first zone, also known as Zone 1, is the primary work zone. It is the area of your functional office desk that is within your immediate reach while sitting back in your chair in a relaxed posture. It should ideally be about 30-40cm from your neutral sitting position. This zone is to be used to place items that you most frequently use throughout your day, so you are not stretching and reaching for them multiple times.  

Items to place in Zone 1:


2. Secondary Work Zone

The second zone, also known as Zone 2, is the secondary work zone. This zone allows you to reach for things with your back still in contact with your chair and your arms extended. This zone covers anything beyond 40cm. Vertically, it is the area that is 8 to 12 inches above your shoulder. You can use this zone to keep less frequently used items you don’t reach for often. 

Items to place in Zone 2:


3. Non-Working Zone

The third zone is the non-working zone or the reference work zone. Anything placed on your desk outside of the primary and secondary work zones that require leaning and reaching falls into this zone. This can increase the risks of musculoskeletal disorders due to awkward movements and posture. As this is the zone that is the farthest from your office chair, this area is generally situated between 40-70 cm away from your neutral sitting posture. Items in this zone are more accessories and not essentials. If you find yourself reaching out for an item in this zone, it is a good idea to swap it out for an item in zone 1 or 2. 

Items to place in Zone 3:

  • Pots and plants
  • Desk lamp
  • Photo frames 
  • Rarely used stationery items


Did you know that your workplace set-up, including your desk, chair, screen glare, and posture, plays a critical role in your mental health? Confused? Here is an article on the various ways ergonomics is linked to mental health with tips on improving your workplace set-up to feel better at work.