PUBLISHED Mar 25, 2024

by Kate Nelligan

8 min read time

Optimising Office Workspaces: A Guide to Workplace Ergonomics

guide-to-workplace-ergonomics guide-to-workplace-ergonomics

The term "workplace ergonomics" has gained significant prominence as office health has become a critical concern due to the sedentary nature of many jobs. Focusing on optimising office workspaces to enhance focus, productivity, and, most importantly, employee wellbeing, this guide to workplace ergonomics delves into the intricacies of ergonomics and its profound impact on office health. Exploring various aspects such as desk setup, chair selection, lighting, and more, the aim is to provide organisations with insights to create a workspace that not only promotes optimal performance but also prioritises employee wellness and a balanced and health-conscious work environment.


A Guide to Workplace Ergonomics


Ergonomics, derived from the Greek word’s "ergon" (meaning work) and "nomoi" (meaning natural laws), is the science of designing environments and products to fit the capabilities and limitations of human beings.

In an office or workplace context, this translates to creating workspaces to fit the capabilities and needs of employees. By taking into account employees' physical and cognitive abilities, ergonomics aims to create a harmonious work environment that minimises discomfort and reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders associated with prolonged periods of sitting.

Creating the ultimate ergonomic workspace involves carefully considering various factors such as adjustable furniture, proper lighting, ergonomic accessories, and mindful organisation to optimise comfort, productivity, and overall wellbeing.


Addressing Ergonomics in Specific Work Environments


Office Ergonomics: Address the specific ergonomic considerations for office workers, including desk-based tasks and prolonged computer use. Emphasise the importance of ergonomic accessories, such as wrist rests and document holders, in reducing strain.

Industrial and Manufacturing Environments: Discuss employees' unique ergonomic challenges in physically demanding job roles, such as assembly lines or heavy lifting tasks. Provide strategies for optimising workstations, using assistive devices and implementing job rotation to prevent fatigue and injuries.

Healthcare and Laboratory Settings: Address the specific ergonomic requirements of healthcare professionals and laboratory workers, including patient handling and microscope use. Discuss the importance of ergonomic design in healthcare equipment and workstations.


The Importance of Workplace Ergonomics


Productivity and Efficiency:

A comfortable and thoughtfully designed workspace profoundly impacts concentration and focus. When individuals are provided with an environment that promotes physical comfort and supports their ergonomic needs, they are better equipped to immerse themselves in tasks with heightened concentration and clarity of mind. Reduced discomfort stemming from ergonomic considerations translates into fewer interruptions and breaks, allowing individuals to maintain a sustained focus on their work.

Consequently, productivity flourishes as uninterrupted work sessions become more prevalent, leading to a more efficient utilisation of time and resources. In essence, prioritising comfort and design in the workspace fosters a conducive atmosphere for deep focus and enhances overall productivity by minimising distractions and promoting a seamless workflow.


Mental Wellbeing:

Ergonomic design is instrumental in cultivating a positive work environment by alleviating stress and bolstering mental wellbeing. When workplaces are designed with ergonomic principles, employees experience reduced physical discomfort and strain, lowering stress levels and improving overall mood.

Additionally, integrating elements such as plants and artwork further enhances the ambience of the workspace, fostering a sense of tranquillity and creativity. Plants not only purify the air but also introduce natural elements that have been shown to reduce stress and enhance wellbeing. Similarly, strategically placing artwork can inspire and stimulate creativity, contributing to a more vibrant and engaging work environment.

By prioritising ergonomic design and incorporating mood-boosting elements, organisations can create a space that not only supports the physical health of employees but also nurtures their mental and emotional wellness, resulting in a more productive and fulfilling work experience for all.


Employee Retention and Satisfaction:

Fostering a positive company culture is deeply intertwined with a commitment to employee wellbeing, and ergonomic practices play a pivotal role in this endeavour. Organisations demonstrate their dedication to creating a supportive and nurturing work environment by prioritising employees' physical comfort and health through ergonomic design.

Satisfied and healthy employees who experience reduced discomfort and strain due to ergonomic setups are likelier to remain with the organisation for the long term. This commitment to employee satisfaction helps to mitigate turnover costs associated with recruitment, training and lost productivity due to staff churn.

Ultimately, by investing in ergonomic practices and prioritising employee wellbeing, organisations cultivate a culture that values their workforce, fosters loyalty, and reaps the benefits of a stable and dedicated team.


Musculoskeletal Health:

Proper ergonomics is crucial in mitigating the risk of musculoskeletal disorders like back pain, neck pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. By implementing ergonomic principles in designing workspaces and equipment, individuals can maintain optimal body alignment and reduce the strain on muscles and joints during prolonged work periods.

Additionally, incorporating regular movement and posture changes throughout the workday further enhances joint health and flexibility while preventing stiffness and discomfort.

These proactive measures contribute to immediate comfort and promote long-term wellbeing, allowing individuals to work more comfortably and productively while safeguarding their physical health against the detrimental effects of sedentary work environments.


Musculoskeletal Health in the Office


A Guide to Workplace Ergonomics - The Perfect Ergonomic Office Setup


1. Desk Setup

The foundation of an ergonomically optimised workspace starts with a correct desk setup. Begin by selecting an office desk that aligns with your work needs and allows ample space for essential items. Consider adjustable or sit stand desks that cater to different work styles, enabling employees to switch between sitting and standing positions.

Additionally, ensure the desk height promotes a 90-degree angle at the elbows to maintain a comfortable and natural arm position while typing while also ensuring you are sitting at your desk correctly.


Top Tip: Arrange the desk in a way that minimises awkward postures and unnecessary reaching.


2. Monitor Placement

Proper monitor placement is often underestimated but plays a significant role in preventing eye strain and neck pain. Position the monitor at eye level, approximately 20 inches from the face, to maintain a comfortable viewing angle.

An adjustable monitor stand ensures employees can customise the height according to their preferences, reducing unnecessary strain on the neck and shoulders.


Top Tip: Consider anti-glare screens and blue light filters to protect employees' eyes from prolonged screen exposure.


3. Chair Selection

Not surprisingly, in Codex's recent study on worker productivity, 32% of respondents said a comfortable office chair would enhance their productivity.

Choosing the right office chair is crucial for maintaining good posture and preventing discomfort. Ergonomic chairs with adjustable features such as height, armrests, and lumbar support are essential. Look for chairs that support the spine's natural curvature, reducing the risk of back pain and muscle fatigue.

Employees spending long hours at their desks will significantly benefit from a chair that fosters comfort and productivity.


Top Tip: Invest in adjustable chairs with lumbar support to maintain the spine's natural curve.


4. Keyboard and Mouse Position

The keyboard and mouse are primary tools in any office setting, and their placement is vital for comfort and productivity. Keep these peripherals close to avoid excessive reaching and to maintain a neutral wrist position to prevent strain.

Ergonomic keyboards and mice provide additional support, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries and enhancing overall comfort during long work hours.


Top Tip: Invest in a separate keyboard and mouse, consider keyboard trays, and monitor arms to ensure proper alignment and reduce strain on the neck and wrists.


5. Lighting

Adequate lighting is a cornerstone of an optimised workspace. Whenever possible, position desks near windows to leverage natural light. Task lighting can be strategically placed to illuminate specific work areas, reducing eye strain, and creating a comfortable atmosphere.

Employees should be able to adjust lighting levels based on their tasks and personal preferences.


Top Tip: Use adjustable task lighting to illuminate specific work areas without causing glare on screens.


6. Organisation and Decluttering

A clutter-free workspace is essential for maintaining focus and efficiency.

Invest in organisational solutions to keep essential items within reach while promoting a clean and tidy desk. This enhances productivity and minimises visual distractions, allowing employees to concentrate on tasks without interruptions.


Top Tip: Keep commonly used items within arm's reach to prevent repetitive strain injuries.


7. Employee Education and Training

Implementing ergonomic practices requires employee awareness and education. Conduct training sessions on proper desk setup, posture, and the importance of taking breaks.

Encourage open communication so employees feel comfortable discussing any discomfort or issues related to their workspace. Regularly update employees on workplace ergonomics best practices and ensure ongoing support for their wellbeing.


Top Tip: Use an ergonomic services specialist to optimise physical, cognitive, and organisational workflow equally.


8. Breaks and Movement

Encouraging regular breaks and movement throughout the workday is essential to counteract the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting. Incorporating mindful minutes into the workday, such as simple stretches and exercises into these breaks can alleviate muscle tension, boost circulation, and enhance overall wellbeing.

By promoting movement, employees can prevent stiffness and discomfort associated with sedentary behaviour, ultimately improving productivity, and reducing the risk of musculoskeletal issues.


Top Tip: Schedule short stretching or movement breaks at regular intervals throughout the day.


Correct Desk Setup for an Ergonomic Office Setup



By addressing each facet of workplace ergonomics, organisations can create a workspace that enhances productivity and prioritises employees' health. A well-designed workspace that considers employees' physical and mental wellbeing can lead to a more engaged, productive, and satisfied workforce, ultimately reducing absenteeism and creating a more successful and sustainable organisation.

As the corporate world continues to evolve, investing in ergonomic solutions is not only a sound business decision but a fundamental commitment to the health and happiness of the individuals who drive success within an organisation.




Are you looking to improve your office environment but don’t know where to start? At Codex, we want to help take the guesswork out of creating an ergonomic workspace. Therefore, we have assembled a list of ergonomic chairsoffice desks and office accessories to enable you to shop confidently. Open an account today or contact us at if you require product recommendations or pricing!



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