PUBLISHED Aug 18, 2023

by Rachel Smith

5 min read time

Top 10 Small Home Office Ideas for a Productive Office Setup

10-home-office-essentials-to-keep-you-productive-and-comfortable 10-home-office-essentials-to-keep-you-productive-and-comfortable

The Irish workforce has seen a significant increase in productivity due to their ability to concentrate better by working from home and having more time to work without the daily office commute. However, as the world adapts to the new working methods that working from home has brought upon us, many individuals are navigating the challenges of transforming limited spaces into efficient home offices.

The experience of working from home in a small space can be both exhilarating and challenging. It demands a delicate balance between maximising productivity and ensuring personal comfort. But whether you are in a cosy apartment or a compact house, creating a productive and comfortable work environment is essential for maintaining your well-being and maximising your productivity. Thankfully, many innovative home office products are available specifically designed to enhance the home office layout and create an ideal work environment, even within the confines of a small space.

In this article, we will explore ten carefully selected home office essentials that are designed to save space and enhance your work from home desk setup in a small space, ensuring you can stay focused, motivated, and at ease.


Top 10 Small Home Office Ideas for a Productive Office Setup


1. Ergonomic Desk and Chair Combo

One of the foundational elements of a successful home office is a proper desk and chair setup. Curate the perfect blend of comfort and efficiency for your small office by opting for an ergonomic desk with adjustable height and adequate workspace to help prevent back and neck pain and improve posture. An ergonomic chair with lumbar support and adjustable armrests will ensure you have maximum comfort throughout the working day. Creating the ultimate ergonomic workspace will help promote a healthy posture, reduce strain on your body, and help you stay comfortable during those long working hours.

Wondering what is the best desk size for smaller spaces? Our office desk size guide will help you find the right desk size for your office space while keeping your health and productivity and the forefront.


2. Compact Standing Desk Converter

If space is at a premium, consider a compact standing desk converter. This innovative product sits on your existing desk and allows you to switch between sitting and standing positions. It saves space, encourages movement, and improves circulation, boosting your overall productivity and well-being.


3. Cable Management Solutions

Clutter can quickly accumulate in a small home office setup, leading to distractions and a less-than-ideal work environment. Invest in cable management solutions such as adhesive cable clips or a desk cable tray to keep your wires organised and out of sight. A tidy workspace can significantly improve your focus and workflow.


4. Adjustable Monitor Stand

Your monitor's position significantly impacts your comfort and productivity. Enhance your ergonomic setup with an adjustable monitor stand. This product elevates your monitor to eye level, preventing neck strain, reducing eye fatigue, and enhancing your overall visual experience.

Look for a monitor stand with storage space underneath to optimise your limited workspace further.


Adjustable Monitor Stands with Storage for Small Offices


5. Compact All-in-One Printer

While the world embraces digitalisation, there are still instances where a physical document or a hard copy is necessary. A compact all-in-one printer, scanner, and copier can be valuable to your small home office.

Look for a model with wireless connectivity to save desk space and streamline your printing needs.

Check out our range of printers and scanners that will seamlessly integrate printing, scanning, and copying functionalities into your small home office.


6. Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Working from home often means dealing with background noise, whether it's the neighbour’s dog barking or construction sounds outside. Noise-cancelling headphones provide a sonic sanctuary, allowing you to concentrate without disruptions and immerse yourself fully in your tasks, even amid a bustling household or urban environment.


7. Task Lighting

Illumination plays a pivotal role in optimising your workspace.

Proper lighting is essential for reducing eye strain and maintaining focus. Choose a task light with adjustable brightness and colour temperature to create a well-lit workspace. Look for models that can be clamped onto your desk or mounted on the wall to save space in your small home office.


Task Lighting in a Small Office Space


8. Desk Organiser

Organising your essentials is paramount in a small home office. Organise your essentials with a desk organiser. This compact unit maximises vertical space, offering compartments for pens, notepads, and other office supplies. Keeping your workspace organised can boost your efficiency and prevent unnecessary distractions.

Browse our wide selection of desk organisers and drawer sets and avail yourself of smart storage solutions that declutter your workspace and streamline your workflow.


9. Compact Whiteboard or Corkboard

Visual aids such as noticeboards and whiteboards can be invaluable in a small home office. A small whiteboard or corkboard can be a versatile tool for jotting down ideas, setting reminders, and visualising your tasks.

Hang it on a wall or prop it on your desk for easy access to important information, helping you stay on track throughout the day and visualise your path to success within your limited workspace.


10. Indoor Plants

Adding a touch of nature to your workspace can improve air quality and create a more pleasant atmosphere. Opt for low-maintenance indoor plants such as the string of hearts or English ivy that thrive in small spaces. Not only do they purify the air, but they also contribute to a more serene and enjoyable work environment.


Indoor Plants for a Small Office Space


Looking for some stationery supply inspo? Check out these top 10 office stationery supplies you need to create an efficient home office.


Remember, working from home in a small space doesn't have to be challenging. With the right products and thoughtful design choices, you can create a productive and comfortable home office that supports your well-being and work efficiency. From ergonomic furniture to smart workspace organisation, these ten home office essentials are designed to enhance your remote work experience, making it easier to stay focused, motivated, and successful, no matter the size of your workspace. And lastly, investing in your home office setup is an investment in your overall productivity and happiness.




Ensure your home office is both productive and comfortable with Codex’s wide range of office furniture, technology, and supplies and stationery. Simply open a Codex account today or contact us at if you require product recommendations or pricing!



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