PUBLISHED Aug 31, 2023

by Rachel Smith

4 min read time

How to Improve Employee Wellbeing at Work

improve-employee-wellbeing-at-work improve-employee-wellbeing-at-work

In today's fast-paced and competitive business world, companies increasingly recognise the importance of prioritising employee wellbeing at work, with staff delivering higher productivity and performance when health and wellness are prioritised. Working conditions and the demands of the work environment are a significant source of stress for many Irish workers, and the design of work can substantially affect employee well-being and health as well as health care expenses.

A happy and healthy workforce increases productivity, fosters a positive company culture, and reduces turnover rates. This blog post will delve into a comprehensive guide on improving employee well-being in the workplace, featuring strategies that can significantly impact your employees' overall health and happiness.


How to Improve Employee Wellbeing at Work


1. Create a Positive Work Environment

A positive work environment is the foundation of employee wellbeing. Knowing important advancements in workplace design that affect employee well-being is one way of boosting productivity and ensuring a positive work environment.

Make sure the workspace is clean, well-lit, and ergonomically designed to reduce physical strain. Promote open communication and encourage collaboration among team members to foster a sense of belonging.


Create a Positive Work Environment


2. Prioritise Work-Life Balance

Helping employees achieve a healthy work-life balance is crucial.

Encourage them to disconnect after work hours and utilise their annual leave. Consider offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, to accommodate personal needs.


3. Provide Opportunities for Skill Development

Investing in your employees' professional growth shows that you care about their future. Offer training programs, workshops, and opportunities for skill development. This enhances their job satisfaction and contributes to their overall well-being.


4. Support Physical Wellbeing

Physical health is closely linked to mental wellbeing. Provide wellness initiatives like gym memberships, yoga classes, or standing desks to encourage movement throughout the day.

Encourage regular breaks and physical activity to reduce stress and boost energy levels.


Sit Stand Desks Help to Encourage Movement and Boost Productivity in the Office


Codex has a wide range of sit stand desks designed to encourage movement and boost productivity in the office.


5. Foster a Culture of Appreciation

Recognise and appreciate your employees' efforts. Implement an employee recognition program to acknowledge achievements and milestones. A culture of appreciation boosts morale and fosters a sense of value among employees.


6. Mental Health Support

Mental health is a vital aspect of employee wellbeing. However, recent research indicates only 1 in 5 Irish workplaces have a budget for mental health, resulting in a rise in absenteeism and a heavy impact on business performance.

Offer resources like Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) to support employees facing stress, anxiety, or other mental health challenges.


7. Promote Social Connections

Encourage social interactions among employees. Organise team-building activities, group outings, or even a dedicated space for casual conversations. Strong social connections improve job satisfaction and emotional well-being.


Members of the Codex team recently took part in a barrista style team building activity at Dublin Barrista School


Members of Codex's Marketing and IT departments recently took part in a barista-style team-building activity at Dublin Barista School.


8. Encourage Autonomy and Growth

Empower your employees by giving them autonomy in their roles. Allow them to take ownership of projects and encourage innovation. Feeling trusted and having room for personal and professional growth positively impacts their overall well-being.


9. Lead by Example

Company leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping workplace culture. Lead by example regarding work-life balance, communication, and overall behaviour. When employees see leaders prioritising wellbeing, they will be more likely to do the same.


10. Gather Feedback and Evolve

There is a deep relationship between employee well-being and feedback.

Regularly gather feedback from employees about the workplace environment and initiatives. Use this feedback to continuously improve your strategies to meet their evolving needs.


Gathering Feedback From Employees is Important in Promoting Wellbeing at Work


Investing in employee wellbeing is not just a trend; it is a necessity for the success of any business. By creating a positive work environment, prioritising work-life balance, providing growth opportunities, and offering support for physical and mental health, companies can ensure their employees thrive both personally and professionally. Remember, a happy and healthy workforce is the cornerstone of a thriving and prosperous organisation.




At Codex, we understand the importance of having an engaged and happy workforce. We greatly emphasise investing in its people, L&D and work environment.

Check out how Codex embraces organisational culture and employee wellbeing through Our Values.



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